
感謝 HPX 社群創辦人 蔡明哲先生 以此講座鼓勵後輩:「面對多變的未來,記得要保持好奇與勇氣,這會讓你獲得更多的樂趣!」



Study in Taiwan 南華大學 外國語文學系 張由輝



PART 1:日本赴台就讀南華大學外國語文學系的經驗分享(日語講座)















No volleyball, No life. 私はバレーボルがとても大好きで、今も学科のバレーボールチームに参加しています。私がキャプテンを任されてから一番難しかったことはみんなに中国語で練習を教えなければならなかったことです。他の課外活動としては、学校で開催される英作文大会や、朗読大会などに参加しました。最初は自分の英語力の自信がなく、緊張しましたが、結果は両方とも三位を取ることができました。私はこの大会を通して失敗もたくさんしましたが、一番重要なことは失敗してもめげずにやりきることです。また、私は嘉義で行われランターンフェスティバルにガイドとしても参加し、沖縄から来た人たちをガイドしました。本当に色んないい経験をすることができました。

台湾 vs 日本



私も言語学習者として、言語を学ぶ上で様々な困難に会いました。そして私が思ったのは、言語学習はダイエットと同じようなものということです。毎日途切れず続けていくことが一番重要です。台湾にきて言語面だけではなく、自分で何でもする力を養うことができました。最後に伝えたい座湯の銘は、やらない後悔よりやる後悔。もう一つは、Play hard and Work hard です。

Why Taiwan?

Cyrus(張由輝)has four names. His ancestors came from Korea to Japan, and he is currently studying in Taiwan as a student in Foreign Languages and Literature. As a result, he speaks Korean, Japanese, English, Chinese, and even a bit of Taiwanese now. “I didn’t study much in high school. English was the subject I dislike the most.” However, after seeing his bother’s huge improvement in English after going to the Philippines, Cyrus got interested in learning English and studying abroad.

Cyrus’ dream was to become a kindergarten teacher, but his father was negative about the idea. After many intense arguments, Cyrus’ father told him: ”As long as you can master a foreign language, you can do whatever you want!” Coming to Taiwan is the end result of the argument. 

Comparing to China, Taiwan is a safer and cheaper place to learn Chinese. The lifestyle in Taiwan is also quite similar to Japan as well. Cyrus advises people who are interested in coming to Taiwan: “If you didn’t study hard in your home country first but would like to come to Taiwan to study from scratch, it would be a waste of time. You should always think clearly about what you want to achieve.” In order to learn both English and Chinese, Cyrus chose the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature at Nanhua University. 

Nanhua University (NHU)

NHU sits in the middle part of Taiwan, it can be easily reached by public transportation. The campus is surrounded by beautiful nature and plenty of restaurants. One of the characteristics of NHU is that students here are required to take one meditation class. “I enjoyed it a lot! It kept me from stressed out.” For those who are planning to study here, NHU offers many kinds of scholarships. Cyrus himself has been consistently financed by scholarships since his freshman year.

The Department of Foreign Languages and Literature

Is learning languages all about reading, listening, and writing? “No, we can’t avoid

the history, culture, and the thoughts behind each language.” There’s no need to speak perfect English like native speakers, but the students in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature also have to learn about linguistics and education. The university offers tutorial classes for students who have difficulty with their study. To meet the requirements of the bachelor degree, students must do 120 hours of internship, attain at least 700 on the TOEIC exam and get 3 certifications. 

Courses From The Department of Foreign Languages and Literature

The core courses of The Department of Foreign Languages and Literature are Writing and Advanced Listening. Every student can choose different programs such as Western Literature, Linguistic, and Professional English. Students also need to take several courses in the Department of Early Childhood Education and mandatory courses from the College of Humanities. “The most important ability I gained here is English writing skills.” Cyrus mentioned that since there are few students in the composition class, each student’s performance is closely evaluated. 

After a year of studying here, Cyrus feels more confident in giving public speeches and has more respect for other cultures. He suggests those who are interested in languages, culture, and education to consider studying in this department. Students who graduate here can easily acclimatize to the field of research, tourism, English education, aviation industry, etc.

Interesting Courses

Sociolinguistics is one of Cyrus’ favorite courses. He learned about the difference between languages and dialects as well as the use of language between different genders. The Introduction to Cross-Culture also has a big impact on him. “We need to learn different things from different countries, such as the concentration camps in Xinjiang and the 9/11 Attacks in the USA.” Besides his personal reflections, he is required to share this knowledge with children. Other courses Cyrus enjoyed very much are Language Development of Children and Aviation English.

Extracurricular Activities

“No volleyball, no life.” Cyrus has always been a big fan of volleyball. He joined the volleyball team of his department. At first, he found it hard to practice with his teammates because of the technical terms in Chinese. However, after overcoming his barrier, he is now the leader of the volleyball team! Also, Cyrus has participated in English composition contests and English recitation contests. “I wasn’t confident with my language skills, but I won prizes in both contests unexpectedly!” He has learned that it is okay to risk failure, the key to success is keeping on trying. Outside the school, Cyrus has volunteered at the Light Festival in Chiayi as a tour guide for people from Okinawa, which was a truly memorable experience for him. 

Taiwan vs Japan

Before coming to Taiwan, Cyrus knows little about this small Island. “I thought people in Taiwan eat Xiao Long Bao and dumplings all the time! Soon I discovered that Taiwan has all kinds of delicacies and incredible drinks!” For Cyrus, Taiwan is a well-developed country and is full of caring people. Coming to Taiwan alone, Cyrus says that it does take time to get used to the local language and socializing with local people, but he has learned to be independent. He arranged everything himself, including finding accommodation and getting a driver’s license in Taiwan.

What I gained coming to Taiwan?

At first, Cyrus worked really hard in class but didn’t get good results. “I’ve learned that learning foreign languages is like losing weight. You need to keep on practicing to meet your goal.” Coming to Taiwan not only improved his language skills but also made him a more prudent and braver person. He encourages people who are watching his talk: “Better regret after doing something you dream to do than regret missing all those opportunities. Play hard and work hard!”
